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Visitors info

Contact & openingtijden Boxoffice

What's the contact information of 013?

Telephone: 013-4609500
E-mail: [email protected]

What are the Boxoffice opening times?

Opening times Box Office
Mondays 13:00 – 17:30
Tuesdays 13:00 – 17:30
Wednesdays 13:00 – 17:30
Thursdays 13:00 – 17:30
Fridays 13:00 – 17:30

Our Box Office is also open for ticket sales during events. You can see our programme here.

Finally, it is also possible to order tickets by phone. You can do so by calling 0900-300 1250 (60 cents a minute, inside the Netherlands).

Your visit to 013

I want to see the schedule

We will publish the schedule online during the week of the show. You can find this by going to programme and clicking on the programme page for the event. Also, the schedule will always be published in the relevant Facebook event.

We try to take public transport into account as far as possible. The average finishing time for concerts is around 23:00 hours (sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later). For night shows, the finishing time is usually 04:00 or 06:00 hours. 

How can I pay in 013?

Since August 1, 2020, 013 is fully cashless. The 013-tokens cannot be used anymore since February 1, 2023. 

For merchandise you can pay by cash or possibly cards, depending on the artist. 

Do I need earplugs in 013?

Even though we strictly adhere to the noise limit of 103DB (and try to not even reach this limit), we strongly advise all our visitors to bring earplugs. If you didn’t bring any, or don’t have your own earplugs, never fear: we sell earplugs at our bars. They cost €4 and are re-useable. For more information on protecting your hearing, noise and hearing loss see ilovemyears.nl. 

I lost something during my visit, what can I do?

Did you lose something during your visit to 013? Use the iLost search engine to find your lost item. Is it not listed? We may not have added your lost item yet. You can also contact the 013 Boxoffice at 013-4609500.

Admission policy

What is your admissions policy?

In 013, our House rules and the General Terms & Conditions apply.

Is there a minimum age in 013?

There is no minimum age for admission to concerts, unless it is stated otherwise on the programme page of our website. However, all visitors younger than 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. A minimum age of 18 years does apply to the night programme (after 00:00 hours), unless it is stated otherwise on the programme page of our website. 

Until what time am I allowed to enter 013?

During club nights, you can enter until 3:00 AM. For concerts, you are allowed to enter until the end of the show.